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- Comments
- Title: Girl with a dark patch on his face walking down the street
- Description: Girl with a dark patch on his face walking down the street. In the background is a man in the middle of the street. Poor quarter. Nepal. Kathmandu. 24.05.2011
- Date Created: 2011-05-24 00:00:00
- :
- Copyright Notice: Anatol Tyshkevych
- Filename: girl_with_a_dark_patch_on_his_face_walking_down_the_street_49_8cbcabc953da4b03ba69b7f4d5979fb9.jpg
- File Date/Time: 1485378646
- File Size: 5523151
- File Type: 2
- Mime Type: image/jpeg
- Sections Found: ANY_TAG, IFD0, THUMBNAIL, EXIF
- Image Description: Girl with a dark patch on his face walking down the street. In the background is a man in the middle of the street. Poor quarter. Nepal. Kathmandu. 24.05.2011
- Model: NIKON D700
- XResolution: 240/1
- YResolution: 240/1
- Resolution Unit: 2
- Software: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.7 (Windows)
- Date/Time: 2017:01:25 23:08:45
- Exif IFD Pointer: 448
- Exposure Time: 1/400
- FNumber: 10/1
- Exposure Program: 2
- ISO Speed Ratings: 500
- Exif Version: 0230
- Date/Time Original: 2011:05:24 07:38:10
- Date/Time Digitized: 2011:05:24 07:38:10
- Shutter Speed Value: 8643856/1000000
- Aperture Value: 6643856/1000000
- Metering Mode: 2
- Focal Length: 2000/10
- Sensing Method: 2